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RPL Process

RPL Pilot Test 1

Skill Testing Activities

<strong>Interactive Meeting with Sector Skill Committees and Technical Sub-committees </strong>

Interactive Meeting with Sector Skill Committees and Technical Sub-committees

Introduction: Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)/National Skill Testing Board (NSTB) with the joint effort of Nepal Vocational Qualifications System Project (NVQS–P) organized an interactive meeting with Sector Skill Committees (SSCs) and Technical Sub-committees of all five sectors (Hospitality, Construction, Automobile, Agriculture, and Information Communication Technology-ICT) on 29 December 2022 at Kathmandu. The […]

स्व घाेषणा फारम

स्व घाेषणा फारम

S.No Occupational Title and Level Downloadlink 1 Construction Mason, L-2 Download 2 Garment Fabricator, L-1 Download 3 Painter, L-2 Download 4 Plumber, L-2 Download[...]

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Certificate Distribution

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Certificate Distribution

Certificate Distribution Program for the skill assessment graduates of Duhabi Municipality was organized on 4th October 2019 in the presence of Mayor of Duhabi[...]

Sector Skill Committee for Automobile (SSC- A) Formed

Sector Skill Committee for Automobile (SSC- A) Formed

Sector Skill Committee for Automobile (SSC-A) sector has been formed on Monday, 8 July 2019. Prof. Dr. Rabindra Nath Bhattarai has been selected as[...]

Nepal’s First National Skill Competition in Cookery successfully organized in Pokhara

Nepal’s First National Skill Competition in Cookery successfully organized in Pokhara

Hospitality is one of the fast-growing sectors of Nepal. In tourism and hospitality sector ‘food’ plays a vital role. There are many people that[...]

डकर्मी पेशाको पूर्व सिकाई मान्यता (RPL) विधिद्वारा सीप परीक्षण सुरुवात

डकर्मी पेशाको पूर्व सिकाई मान्यता (RPL) विधिद्वारा सीप परीक्षण सुरुवात

प्राविधिक शिक्षा तथा व्यावसायिक तालिम परिषद्, राष्ट्रिय सीप परीक्षण समितिद्वारा आज मिति २०७५ साल मंशिर २८ गते CE Construction त्रिपुरेश्वरबाट डकर्मी पेशाको पूर्व सिकाइ[...]

सीपको प्रमाणिकरण गर्ने अवसर

सीपको प्रमाणिकरण गर्ने अवसर

औपचारिक तथा अनौपचारिक रुपले सीप आर्जन गरेका प्राविधिक तथा व्यावसायिक क्षेत्रका विभिन्न सीपमूलक पेशा तथा व्यावसायमा कार्यरत व्यक्तिहरुका लागि आफ्नो सीपको परीक्षण गरी प्रमाणिकरण[...]

Message from the Director

Tek Bahadur Malla

Message from the Director

I feel privileged to welcome you to the National Skill Testing Board (NSTB), the premier organization responsible for skill testing and certification system in Nepal. Since its inception in 1983, NSTB has been providing skill testing services in different skill sectors and levels. The skill test certification system is carried out for those individuals who have acquired vocational skills from formal, informal, and non-formal settings. The aim of NSTB is to certify competent skilled workforce focusing on their recognition in the global markets too.
The bilateral initiative of the Government of Nepal and the Government of Switzerland to setup a National Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS) in Nepal is in progress and the National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) has been developed. The Government of Nepal; Council of Ministers has approved NVQF as an integral part of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) on 03rd May 2020. Furthermore, NSTB/NVQS has developed the NVQS implementation roadmap as a guiding document and proceeding further accordingly. Hence, NSTB is going to be transformed into the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) awarding authority.
Finally, NSTB highly expects your cooperation and supports to make National Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS) success. We believe in collaborative and committed endeavor in work with positive mindset and creative ideas. We always appreciate and looking forward for your valuable feedback, comments and suggestions.
Thanking You!

Message from NVQS Team Leader

Subas Subedi

Message from NVQS Team Leader

Nepal Strives for the Development of Recognized Vocational Pathways. Graduates of Vocational Training programmes and workforce with acquired skills through work in Nepal have now brighter days ahead to get their qualifications and skills recognized within and out of the country. [...]

Government of Nepal
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Skill Standards





